We invite you to receive high pro-fessional classical engineering
education at the department of "Computer-aided design of processing equipment" (CADPE).
In 2012 student can enroll into Tambov State Technical University (TSTU) on the following specialties:
151701 - "DESIGH OF TECHNO-LOGICAL MACHINES AND COMPLEXES", duration - 5.5 years, obtained degree - specialist (engineer).
Master's Degree specializations include:
"Information management of engi-neering production" (specialty 150700 - "Engineering"),
"Systems analysis of design and tech-nological solutions" (specialty 220100 - "System Analysis and Control") -
duration - 2 years, obtained degree - mas-ter of engineering and technology.
Education and training for these special-ist's (engineer's) and master's degrees are
conducted by the Department of "Computer-aided design of processing equipment".
Those graduated who are aimed on further research work are welcome to enter our post-graduate
course (obtained degree - candidate of technical sciences) and continue with doctoral research
(obtained degree - doctor of technical sciences). Specialties of available pros-graduate courses include:
"System analysis, data processing and administration", "Informational systems and processes",
"Processes and apparatuses of chemical technologies".
Education received at the Department of "Computer-aided design of processing equipment" and participation in
diverse Department's research activities teaches students to pose and solve complex industrial and economic
problems in constantly changing market conditions and equips them with the most advanced and modern techniques
and methods that allow to reveal the maximum of their intellectual potential and walk away from stereotypical
and routine forms of problem-solving due to wide use of computer technology at all stages of technical decision making.
Our graduates are employed at Rus-sian and foreign manufacturing plants in various fields, engineering design
offices, research and design institutes, departments of a principal engineer, manufacturing manager, design manager,
computer-aided design, different manufacturing shops and departments.
Entering tests
Unified State Exam on mathematics, russian language and physics
Forms and terms of education
Full-time learning for specialists with duration 5.5 years
Financial base of education
There are budgetary and contractual fee forms of education.